Grill For God
G4G Ministries is excited to be serving the community surrounding Compare Foods in Statesville. Located at 1314 W. Front St., Statesville, NC. We are planning on serving 250 chicken dinners. Each outreach is a little different and exciting. We stand amazed by how the Lord prepares the hearts of the people to receive from the Lord. As we feed people and clothe people, the Lord opens the doors of their hearts to receive prayer in his love. It is amazing that God’s grace is always available to us at any time. G4G Ministries heart is to bring glory to our awesome God as we serve the least, last, and lost both physically and spiritually.
Please come and be a part of what God is doing. All are welcome !!! There is a place for you to serve and make an impact.
- Please pray for the outreach.
- Donate your used clothing.
- Financially support the ministry
- Volunteer