Latest Past Events

G4G Ministries7 annual golf tournament

  DATE:              October 6, 2017 TIME:              Registration opens at 11:00am, lunch begins serving at 11:30am / Shotgun starts at 1:00pm sharp! PLACE:             Larkin Golf Club                         175 Clubhouse Dr.                         Statesville, NC 28677   ENTRY FEE:     $90.00 per player (Green fees, cart, lunch and 2 drink tickets. A Grill for God WHOLE... Read more »

Power of the Cross Identity Rally

G4G Ministries is excited to be partnering with Power of the Cross Identity Rally. The event is a week long rally, and each night they will be presenting the gospel and feeding the community. G4G Ministries is providing a meal for the first thousand people Thursday September 28. 769 River Hwy, Mooresville, NC 28117 John... Read more »

Kimbrough Park Event

G4G Ministries will be hosting an event for the Park community Saturday, September 9. Please join us as we share gods love and feed the community surrounding Kimbrough Park. All are welcome.