Lately, I have been feeling the Father pull me towards Exodus 3. That specific chapter has always left me in awe. However, as I have stepped into the position of ‘Director’ with G4G Ministries, I continue to see the revelation of “I AM” come to life.
For context, in Exodus 3, God sends Moses to Pharaoh and commands him to bring the Israelites out of Egypt. Knowing that facing Pharaoh is a daunting task, Moses doubts his capability and asks who he should say sent him to free the Israelites from their oppression.
“God said to Moses, “I am who I am. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I am has sent me to you.’” (Exodus 3:14)
“I AM has sent me to you.”
The Lord was aware of their suffering. He desired to deliver them. He was to be known throughout all generations according to Exodus 3:7-15. God revealed himself as present and would always be present with His people, ready to intervene on their behalf. “I AM” indicates a God who is eternal, constant, and unchanging. “I AM” cannot be defined by human construct.
How grateful we are at G4G Ministries to be serving a God who longs to free his people from oppression and hunger – one meal at a time!! A Father that cannot “fit inside a box”, but a Father who exceeds all expectations and meets our needs whether it be physical, spiritual, or both.
This past Saturday, July 18th, 2020, we watched the Lord’s hand show up in the smallest of details once again as we fired up the grills. Fifth Street Ministries has been a steadfast partner of G4G Ministries Inc. since our humble beginnings in 2008. We are so grateful to Fifth Street for their generosity in allowing us to use their property space this past weekend. Additionally, they met us with smiling faces of encouragement and helping hands throughout the morning.
Because “I AM” called many of you to financial benevolence, we had the means to feed over 250 individuals from the shelter and surrounding communities. Pastor Katie prayed over individuals and families, alike, and we saw Jesus come to life through our volunteers. Our morning ended in group prayer and a testimony from one of our faithful volunteers that moved many of us to tears.
“I AM” will continue to show up for his people, whether G4G Ministries is in existence or not. However, we are THRILLED to have a front row seat to see the work of our Father in Iredell County and beyond.
In Him,
Layn Thomas
Director of G4G Ministries Inc.